Tubs from Taiwan: A little piece of home

Vandals are truly different.

I’ve never been more happy to cut a check in my life, and thanks to you incredible Idaho fans, I am proud to have donated $85 to the University of Idaho football program last week.

Honestly speaking, I was hoping just to get nine or 10 people replying to me. I’m so excited I got 18 responses, so many great selfies and photos of the scenery around the Dome. Thank you to everybody who gave me a little piece of home. It’s difficult being so far away from home and it’s even more difficult feeling like my emotional connection to something I love is being slowly severed.

Things are different this year. I can feel the energy and I can feel myself coming back to life as a passionate Vandal, all the way from the other side of the Pacific Ocean. The level of love I received last week is a huge part of that.

This is the year. Even if it’s not the year we make the playoffs or win the Big Sky, this is the year we all come together as Vandal fans and get behind this thing.

I’m so excited for our Big Sky opener this weekend, and I’ve already circled on my calendar waking up at 3 AM for those massive games against Montana and Eastern Washington.

Go Vandals, you guys are awesome.

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