Uniform prediction: Week five vs. Troy

Alright, I really should have known.

With a 2-2 squad returning home for a winnable Homecoming tilt against Troy, the Vandals are going back to a traditional look that hasn’t been sported at the Kibbie Dome since 2011.

Black helmets were introduced in 2012, and were used in every season since until the final week of 2015 when gold helmets, albeit different style ones, finally made their return in a win over Texas State.

It was announced Friday they’re going back to the go-to: Gold helmet, black tops, gold pants.


That’s large human/Canadian Mason Woods sporting the look.

I’m updating the score below with combinations that were predicted this week.

This week’s winners: Vandal superfan Spencer Farrin and Lewiston Tribune beat writer Theo Lawson.

It was a big week for both of my fwenz. Mostly because they notched their first Tubs at the Club uniform prediction victories.

Spencer was also featured in the Oregonian for his next-level trolling of the Ducks last year when the Cougs took ’em down in Overtime.

Theo saw nearly five months of hard work pay off when he exposed emails between President Chuck Staben and athletic director Rob Spear on the topic of the move to the Big Sky Conference.

You can read that here: http://www.idahostatesman.com/sports/college/university-of-idaho/article104963721.html.

This amazing piece of reporting basically confirms everything I wrote on this blog a month or so back: Staben didn’t give a fuck what Rob Spear or Paul Petrino thought about the situation. But both played the part of good soldiers during the announcement. More on that at another time.

For now, the standings with predictions:

Sean Kramer: Three wins (Week 1, 2, 3): Gold, silver, gold.


Michael-Shawn Dugar: One win (Week 4): Gold, black, black.


Josh Grissom: No wins … yet: Silver, black, silver.

Marc Trivelpiece, owner of the Corner Club, won’t rest until Idaho goes all silver. He is so far 0-for-five.


Korbin McDonald is still alive this week, actually. Here is his pick:



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