Here are just the Stats. You make the call.
2021 (3 games in)

Mike Beaudry | R-Senior
Attempts: 60
Completions: 39
Comp %: 65
Yards: 359
Yards per att: 5.99
Yards per comp: 9.2
TD: 2
TD per att:1 every 30
TD per comp:1 every 19.5
INT: 0
INT per att: 0
Long: 35
Carries: 14
Yards: 83
Yards per carry: 5.9
TD per carry:0

Caleb Jordan | Freshman
QBR 107.2
Attempts: 31
Completion: 14
Comp %: 45.16
Yards: 198
Yards per att: 6.3
Yards per comp: 14.1
TD: 2
TD per att:1 every 15.5
TD per comp:1 every 7
INT: 2
INT per att: 1 every 15.5
Long: 71
Carries: 21
Yards: 139
Yards per Carry: 6.6
TD: 1
TD per carry:1 in every 21

Zach Borisch | R-Soph
QBR: 0
Attempts: 0
Completions: 0
Comp %: 0
Yards: 0
Yards per att: 0
Yards per comp: 0
TD: 0
TD per att:0
TD per comp:0
INT: 0
INT per att: 0
Long: 0
Carries: 10
Yards: 49
Yards per Carry: 4.9
TDs: 0
TD per carry:0
Mike Beaudry | R-Senior
QBR: 116.74
Attempts: 122
Completions: 73
Comp%: 59.35
Yards: 794
Yards per att: 6.5
Yards per comp: 10.9
TD: 3
TD per att:1 in every 41
TD per comp:1 in every 24.3
INT: 3
INT per att:1 in every 41
Long: 49
Carries: 25
Yards: 134
Yards per carry: 5.36
TD: 1
TDs per carry: 1 in every 25
Caleb Jordan | Freshman
QBR: 116.19
Attempts: 27
Completions: 16
Comp%: 59.26
Yards: 183
Yards per att: 6.8
Yards per comp: 11.4
TD: 0
TD per att:0
TD per comp:0
INT: 0
INT per att:0
Long: 23
Carries: 14
Yards: 65
Yards per carry: 4.6
TDs: 1*
TDs per carry: 1 in every 14
Zach Borisch | R-Soph
QBR: 96.67
Attempts: 12
Comletions: 6
Comp%: 50
Yards: 75
Yards per att: 6.3
Yards per comp: 12.5
TD: 1
TD per att:1 in 12
TD per comp:1 in 6
INT: 3
INT per att:1 in 4
Long: 25
Carries: 48
Yards: 300
Yards Per carry: 6.3
TDs: 2
TDs per carry: 1 in every 24
Total Over Past 2 Seasons
Mike Beaudry | R-Senior
QBR: 120.5
Attempts: 182
Completions: 112
Comp%: 61.5
Yards: 1,153
Yards per att: 6.3
Yards per comp: 10.3
TDs: 5
TD per att:1 in every 36.4
TD per comp:1 in 22.4
INT: 3
INT per att:1 in every 60.7
Long: 49
Carries: 39
Yards: 217
Yards per carry: 5.6
TD: 1
TD per carry:1 in every 39
Caleb Jordan | Freshman
QBR: 111.4
Attempts: 58
Completions: 30
Comp%: 51.7
Yards: 381
Yards per att: 6.5
Yards per comp: 12.7
TDs: 2
TD per att: 1 in every 29
TD per comp:1 in every 15
INT: 2
INT per att:1 in every 29
Long: 71
Carries: 35
Yards: 204
Yards per carry: 5.8
TD: 2*
TD per carry:1 in every 17.5
Zach Borisch | R-Soph
QBR: 96.67
Attempts: 12
Comletions: 6
Comp%: 50
Yards: 75
Yards per att: 6.3
Yards per comp: 12.5
TDs: 1
TD per att:1 in 12
TD per comp:1 in 6
INT: 3
INT per att:1 in 4
Long: 25
Carries: 58
Yards: 349
Yards Per carry: 6
TDs: 2
TD per carry:1 in every 29
*** As always Iām not an journalist so, take your gramatical error comments, & put them in a beg some-Where. Hope you enjoyed the content regarless if you maid it too dis disclaimer
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