Who Is On the Shortlist?

It has been 12 days since the news broke about Paul Petrino being let go. Now we get to experience that joy you hope to only experience a few times in your life, the hunt for Head Ball Coach.

We know some people have been Panicking on the timing. Big Schools like USC and LSU have named new head coaches, group of 5 schools like New Mexico State have announced big hires, heck even Jacksonville State of the FCS made a splash hire recently. Yet Idaho remains on the sidelines or at least their cards close to the chest.

I think I speak for most vandals when I say I am willing to wait if the hire is right. Maybe it is an individual from a winning staff that is in playoff race (FBS or FCS…) As a recruiting guy this all does make me nervous with Early Signing day, which might as well just be called regular signing day at this point, only 17 days away. But as I saw someone on twitter say. “What’s more important missing on one class or missing on the next head coach?”

In times like these I guess I will live by the age old sang “Good things come to those that wait” and “Patience is a virtue.”

But, man is it hard. So the team here at Tubs At The Club compiled our own shortlists of our top 5 prospects. Note we don’t have any insight right now. This is strictly just a list of the 5 guys we want to see be the next Head Ball Coach

Rank | Coach Name | Points (First Place Vote)

  1. Beau Baldwin 10 (2)
  2. Andy Thompson 7 (1)
  3. Jeff Choate 6
  4. Joel Thomas 4
  5. Bodie Reeder 4
  6. Danny Rocco 4
  7. Ed Lamb 4
  8. Ian Shoemaker 3
  9. Rod Chance 2
  10. Scott Linehan 1
  • Producer Dammer wants it noted his original list was 1-5 anybody but Linehan.
1Beau BaldwinBeau BaldwinAndy ThompsonDoug Nussmeier
2Bodie ReederEd LambJoel ThomasKasey Dunn
3Ian ShoemakerDanny RoccoJeff ChoateJon Newlee
4Andy ThompsonJeff ChoateRod ChanceMatt Linehan
5Jeff ChoateScott Linehan Danny RoccoThomas Ford
Due to editors choice Martens scores werent included for making our top 10 until he has confirmed interest from Jon Newlees for the opening.

2 thoughts on “Who Is On the Shortlist?

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